DEC.05.2014 - Be Alive

Holy crap life's been crazy. Work's been great, finally adjusted to it and seems like I'm meeting expectations. It's kinda strange posting on here with so little new work. All my work seems to go into One Pixel Brush these days which is fine with me. I've had the opportunity to work on some huge projects, in fact the biggest projects in the world, it's been mind blowing. I guess I'll tell you all about it in 2 years when it's released. haha.

So Apparently its common in my line of work to go through a kinda identity rediscovery. As an artist transitions from a study lifestyle to a working professional lifestyle you have to piece yourself back together. So I've been focusing more on exploring myself and I feel great now. I've been doing a lot more things than just concept art which is so nice. I started surfing a couple weeks ago, gonna start back up in February or March. Also I'm going to start doing real life kitbashing with models and clay. My first kitbash project is building a high detail X-Wing model. Ever since that Star Wars 7 trailer came out I've had Star Wars on the brain. I've also been writing music again. I'll have to release some stuff on the blog with my next post. All these things have really helped me reconnect with myself and feel whole.

For Thanksgiving I went back to Arizona to be with family. It was surreal being back, realizing I'd achieved my goals. I walked around with a little more confidence at the thought. I was opening boxes of my things that I'd sealed up almost a year ago. I could still feel the drive pulling me to do whatever it would take to make it. I could still remember how scared I was preparing to venture into the unknown. I had no idea I'd be where I am today having exceeded my own expectations. It reminds me how much I have to be grateful for, how much I have to look forward to, and how much I love the present.

There's nothing particularly special about me. I'm a very normal person, and normal people can achieve incredible things. Seize the day and be alive.

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